Jack Shackaway may move to Ontario

“Thinking about boredom,” Jack tells me, “and the subjective time dilation effect, and thinking I may then live forever, I’ve decided to move to Ontario.”

Other advice on stretching time.

Website dedicated to diversions for the bored.

More fun with boredom; visit Noteable Quotes.Read more

Imperialists, eh?

Word “Canadian” So “Reviled in Some Places” that Visiting Canucks Say They’re Americans (read the story).


Canada’s imperialistic ways are no longer secret, and people are out to get us, eh? Just the other day, a Canadian friend of mine, not partial to sporting the Stars & Stripes,  sewed a New Zealand flag to his backpack and was badly beaten by a gang of mid-level multinational corporation executives. This world is a perilous place, and it gets … Read more

My list

I’m going to add yet one more wrap-up list to the long end-of-first-decade of the New Millennium lists. (To the surprise of some, our world has survived to read these lists.) I invite visitors to offer their own notions of what the most significant developments have been—those with the greatest potential to transform our lives.

 As a starter, but not necessarily in the following order, I’d propose these:

         – advances in nanotechnology

         – digital social networking, wikis, etc.

– research … Read more

Buying congressmen, Constitutional conventions, living in China

This morning’s Slate carries the following item:

A Constitutional Amendment on Campaign Financing?”

“During his State of the Union last month, President Obama voiced his opposition to a recent Supreme Court decision to overturn campaign finance laws. He’s not the only one who doesn’t agree with the SCOTUS decision. Yesterday, academic and political activist Lawrence Lessig announced a call for a constitutional amendment to overturn it, launching the Web site CallaConvention.org. Lessig writes, “We should begin the long discussion … Read more